This is an archive of the blog posts I published in the period 2015-2018.
Stream API responses directly to disk with Python
How I Became a Bitcoin Trader
Using Facebook Prophet Forecasting Library to Predict the Weather
Visualize Your Netatmo Data with Grafana
Docker + OpenStack = True
Spark cluster on OpenStack with multi-user Jupyter Notebook
Analyzing Popular Topics In My Twitter Timeline using Apache Spark
Using Amazon Machine Learning to Predict the Weather
Making the Network Ready for 40GbE to the Server
Getting Started with SocketPlane and Docker on OpenStack VMs
How to configure Knife and Test Kitchen to use OpenStack
How to Use Cloud-init to Customize New OpenStack VMs
New Skill Sets Needed for Network Specialists
SSH Key Gotcha with Test Kitchen and OpenStack
How to Analyze a Firewall Ruleset with Hadoop
Reducing the Size of Large Firewall Rulesets
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